WELL. Ya gurl just finished a two day shoot for a Game of Thrones parody music video and let me just say. It was INCREDIBLE. Day one was 15 hours and Day 2 was 18, but it was worth every moment. I EVEN WORE A WIG BECAUSE I WAS MELISANDRE. Forgot what hair was like. No one recognized me, (which was hilarious) everyone kept coming up to me and reintroducing themselves - I was like no, its me Shalomie da Homie! It really gave life to that quote "If you do what you love you will never work a day in your life." I really needed this to remind me what it's all about. With how crazy my life can be and all the intense day to day drama it is so easy to get caught up and forget why you love it. What you are working for. But this really brought it all full circle for me. I'm on such a high right now. Now all I have to do is make it full time. Can't wait for the day when this is my daily. Keep pushing through ya'll. We got dis! I will upload the video (Hodor Funk) onto the site once it comes out! But for now enjoy my "behind the scenes" photo montage!
Had my headshot session with Innis Casey the other day and today I got the final products! Working with him was so much fun and I really felt like he understood what I needed. Even more than I did! Anyhoooo the headshots are amazing and I cannot stop looking at them. Make sure to check him out on Instagram @inniscaseyphotography! Great rates and great to work with!
WOW! What a wild three weeks! It has been non-stop between wrapping up Shape of Things, finishing up finals, working, auditioning and prepping for my favorite peoples graduation! No complaints but I must say I am beat. The show ended with a boom and then I went right into our One Act show the next week. Finals flew by and now I'm left here dazed, trying to decipher what was real and what I dreamed. The class above me graduated as well yesterday and it is so bittersweet. The class included two of my roommates and I can honestly say I don't know how I would have made it through this program with out their wild jokes and support. I know that I will still see them but going to school without my family is going to be so hard. Thankfully, however, it's only going to be for three months and then I will be graduating myself. It's crazy how these past two years have flown by. I don't even recognize the girl who moved here in 2017. No, literally though. I cut all my hair off. Aha. But seriously, so much has changed since then. I'm looking forward to the next stage of change and making the best out of my final term at TOA! As for right now though I am excited to get some sleep, andddd new headshots! Super Pro this time through, so keep posted for those updates soon.
And we are off! Just a couple more days until showtime! Despite some minor hiccups (I got strep) we are going up! Tech week for me is when it really all starts to set in. We are really doing this! Its been such a journey and I feel like I've learned so much playing this character and working with my director David Conolly. We have so fortunate to work on this as a team and we have had so many people come in and give us their thoughts and support. We have quite a few VIP guests coming to this show as well and I'm so thrilled that people are getting excited for it! I will say that I am exhausted but happy exhausted because I am doing what I love.
SO. I got into an accident the other day and totally smashed my already-roughed-up electric unicycle. Thankfully all I got was a skinned knee and a wild story to tell at parties. It was honestly so crazy because I was just gliding along when suddenly some cars door just swung open and WHABAM I was a toast on Hollywood Blvd. By the time I struggled out of the middle of the street (a car stopped right before he ran over my face. RIP) and getting over to my unicycle the guy who had whacked me was long gone. I began to brush myself off when all of the sudden some high-schoolers came over asking if I was ok. I assured them I was fine and thanked them for their concern. When out of nowhere one kid says to me: "Can I sleep at your house tonight? I don't wanna go home." Mildly confused at this point I told him I didn't think I could fit another person in my two bedroom apt which was housing six at the time. He nodded and walked off and I looked down to find that the other high-schooler had hand-cuffed me with some fake cuffs. Completely lost at this point I look up at the kid as he chuckled and said "Look, I cuffed a baddie!". I cannot make this stuff up people. Thankfully I made it home after prying my arm away, took a nice long shower and wondered why on earth I thought it was such a good idea to move to Hollyweird. Ah, another day in the life. Just hoping I make it to my show dates alive!
My roommate Charlie Velasco hooked me up with some beautiful new headshots for me to give to my manager! I have honestly never really liked pictures of myself but I think these came out really nice! I know I will have to go get some done professionally soon but these will hold me over until I get through school this term. Speaking of which I am the lead in a play right now and rehearsals are wild! The play is called The Shape of Things by Niel LaBute. I am playing the role of Evelyn which has been really exciting for me since its my first more classic "antagonist" role. Its actually been really daunting to do this character justice, I wish I could just spend years focusing on it but with school the few hours I have will have to be enough. All that said though, I think this is going to be a really good show once we finish rehearsals, and I can't wait to see all the new things I will learn through the process.
What a year 2018 was! I felt so lucky to bring in 2019 on set, in my very own living room! Yuwi Kim and I got the chance to work with the amazing cinematographer Nathan Vellappally to film a scene from the play Dry Land by Ruby Rae Spiegel. As you can see from the photo we had the room tenaciously jimmy-rigged to create our "set". We had quite the time trying to figure out where and how to put everything so it wasn't in the shot. Eventually though everything came together and despite what some might call a "crude setup" we created some really cool content and had a ton of fun! I learned a lot about lighting and how much forethought goes into each take. This stuff is not easy folks! At the end of our shoot I felt so amped. Nathan and I set up a date to transfer the footage onto my computer and once I have it all I can get down to editing. Can't wait to see our final product.
AuthorTaking in life day by day and moment by moment. Join me! |